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Making Flag Boxes for America's Heros

Test cut will be used to verify angle and linear scale-stop block accuracy

Checking the angle, no light, hey cool!

Adjusting stop block to scale based on cutoff

Right thru the line!

To cut 22 degree at opposing end of the 45, 1st cutoff at exact length

Making the 22 1/2 degree cut safely & accurately on a sliding miter jig

Same cut on both ends of bottom. Zero clearance throat plate, jig nearly touching the blade.

Blade is set at 67 1/2 to the table, resulting in 22 1/2 to the miter jig

Here you can see the inside was finished with varnish before cutting the miter

Now what can I do with all those steeples?

Everything ready for the glue-up

Mask tape aided in asssembly and hold while the belt went on.

Belt clamps & angle fixtures are ideal for squeezing it tight

I like it!

Glue sqeeze out at miters will be cleaned off with a sharp chisel


Two zero clearance spline jigs, 90 & 45 degrees

Reminder of cut settings to make on the Incra Jig scale
America's Heros, We Thank You . . . . . . . . . . . . .